This field trip doubles as a workshop on vegetation management and non-chemical invasive control for wildlife habitat and botanical diversity in a powerline right of way (ROW). Explore roughly a thousand feet of ROW, which the landowner is managing as the classic, high quality upland meadow shrub community found in acidic, relatively nutrient-poor, non-forested rocky soils. Compare this carefully managed area to a neighboring ROW segment that has not been managed for habitat goals and is now over-mowed and degraded, though formerly a diverse, shrub-dominated, seasonally saturated wetland. Expect to see Solidago & Eupatorium species in bloom or in seed. The trip leaders will point out the differences between native and non-native tall fall-flowering forbs and will demonstrate how to cut mugwort flowering stalks at a time in the growing season when there is little to no risk that seeds will fall on the ground.
Sigrun and Gary have offered to hold this workshop again at additional times for smaller, targeted groups. Please reach out to them if you would be interested in scheduling a session.
Time: Tentatively 9:00 AM
Leaders: Sigrun Gadwa, CBS Conservation & Ecology Chair, 203-537-1869
Gary Therrien, CBS Lifetime Member
Pre-registration is required, as the date for this trip may change. Please share email addresses and phone numbers with Sigrun so that she can alert you to any change in plans.
Directions and Parking: Provided upon registration.