CBS seeks to preserve and enhance the native flora of the state through grants either for land conservation or habitat protection.  Grant applications must meet the following criteria.

CBS land conservation grants will place first priority on protection of rare/uncommon /native plants or natural communities or areas of high native diversity.  To this end, CBS may consider high quality habitats that could support rare/uncommon native plants or high native diversity. CBS will only fund such projects where the conservation of the land is guaranteed by deed in perpetuity.

CBS grants will also consider grants for habitat improvement projects, with priority placed on projects with a good likelihood of long-term success.

CBS may consider grants that aid in restoring or enhancing native plant communities or populations or to create habitat for imperiled native animals, including imperiled or uncommon species of pollinators, provided that the target habitat is consistent with the first priority.

CBS may consider need/urgency, prioritizing parcels that might be lost if they don’t receive immediate support.

CBS may consider projects that support environmental justice, including protecting open space in low-income and urban communities.

CBS may consider funding a botanist/ecologist for a plant inventory to aid management of properties acquired via CBS grants.

CBS may also consider assistance with fund-raising expenses for projects that meet the above criteria and may help land trusts/organizations free of charge in fundraising with activities such as providing high quality plant photos and information, leading walks, etc.

CBS will deprioritize land conservation grants that exist for the simple purpose of expanding open space or including recreational space, when said space is not botanically distinctive (e.g., to link two parts of a hiking trail, or to provide access to another parcel which is either botanically undistinctive or degraded). CBS will also deprioritize pollinator plantings that are not consistent with the first priority.

CBS will only fund projects that take place in Connecticut.

See below for application procedures.


Applications are accepted once yearly due by the third Monday in April. Exceptions may be made for situations where timing is critical.  Communications submitted after the due date of April 21, 2025 will not be read. We may ask to visit the site and will make every effort to notify you within ten weeks. In some situations, an application may be postponed if we feel a need to visit the site later in the growing season.

  1. There is no set minimum or maximum award, but awards generally will be between $1,000 and $5,000.
  2. To be considered, grant proposals need to meet one or more of the criteria listed above: Connecticut Botanical Society Criteria for Small Grants Funding. CBS will give preference to new applications that meet the above criteria. Previous grantees may inquire as to the advisability of applying.
  3. Following awarding of the grant, we ask for a SIMPLE (one paragraph will suffice) progress report after six months, followed by a final report upon completion of the project. We may ask to visit the site at the end of the grant period.
  4. Projects, or aspects of projects funded under this program, should be able to be completed within one year of the awarding of the grant. If you expect your project to take more than one year following receipt of a grant, please explain why more time is needed.
  5. Applicants or key individuals in an applicant’s organization are encouraged to join CBS. A membership application may be found here.
  6. CBS must be credited in any publicity resulting from any initiative funded either wholly or in part with funds from CBS.
  7. All decisions will be made at the sole discretion of CBS and will be final.

QUESTIONS? email us at